A Vipassana meditation course shall be given to any person who wishes to discover yourself and enhance the quality of life.

Teachers: Venerable Indarath Chakma, Venerable Visuddhamma
Where: Toowoomba Queensland Australia
When: from 4.00 PM 10th February to 10.00 AM 20th Feb 2024
Language of instruction: English.
What will be provided: meals, breakfast, bed, juice, instruction materials.
Requirement: No experience required, except Noble Silence shall be strictly applied during the 10 day course.
Religion/Faith: No. You keep your own. We only teach you the technique of meditation to understand yourself and make your daily life meaningful and happier.
Fee: Dhamma is not for Sale. The full course shall be provided FREE of charge to all attendants including of meals, bed, amenities, etc…
Registration in advance required: The latest day for registration is 5th Feb 2024.
Phone for registration: 0466985595 Venerable Visuddhamma

InternationalBuddhistOrganization, or phone us to give your email address, we will send it to you. Please enrol in advance to secure a place as bed number is limited. Email: ….

Requirements: practitioners are, for their own benefits, advised:
1. To observe strict noble silence during the 10 days of meditation practice, no verbal or body gestures,
2. Not to use communication devices, newspapers, phone, valueable ipad items.
3. To strictly listen and practise according to the instructions.
4. Only one main simple nutritious vegetarian meal at lunch time is provided. No dinner.
5. Practitioners are encouraged to reduce sleeping time to 4 hours per day if possible.
6. To have a strong determination to complete the full 10 days of the training course.
7. Different gender shall observe stricly segregation and separation in all means verbal, gestures, body language, signs, etc…
8. To bring 2 pairs of appropriate clothes for meditation as technique of washing meditation shall apply daily. If in doubts, please ask the instructor at the time of registration.

Facilities: room, meals, juices, bed, toilette papers, shampoo, tooth creams and printed dhamma lectures and meditation instructions are provided free of charge for all practitioners in 10 days. No payment shall be required by the practitioners.

Orientation Day:
9th Feb 2024: at 5.00 PM Registration and Orientation
Registration, Reception, welcome, Orientation, Guidance.

Daily Practice:
Daily Process: Similar programs for every day unless prior specific announcements for specific times and dates.
4.00 AM wake up bell, personal cleaning in 20 minutes.
4.20 AM instruction 5 minutes and then sitting meditation 60 minutes
5.30 AM Listening to the chanting to pay respect to the triple gems, taking refuge in triple gems and observing 5 precepts for lay persons.
6.00 AM intruction 5 minutes and then mindfulness walking meditation 20 minutes
6.30 AM 15 minutes for listening to the chanting of Mangala Sutta/ Reflection .
6.45 AM 15 minutes for meditation technique in sweeping and cleaning the temple.
7.00 AM simple light breakfast 15 minutes, technique meditation in eating.
8.00 AM instruction 5 minutes and then sitting meditation 60 minutes
9.15 AM intruction 5 minutes and then mindfulness walking meditation 20 minutes
9.45 AM instruction 5 minutes and then sitting meditation 60 minutes
11.00 AM instruction for mindfulness meditation in eating and consuming lunch for 45 minutes. Must finish lunch within specified time.
12.00 AM each practitioner shall be allowed 5 minutes for asking the teacher; of which the total Q&A time shall be limited to maximum 20 minutes, prior registration for individual questions needed.
12.00 PM instruction for mindfulness in break, cleaning, personal matters in strict silence for 120 minutes
2.00 PM instruction 5 minutes and then meditation 60 minutes
3.20 PM instruction 5 minutes and then mindfulness walking meditation 20 minutes
4.00 PM instruction 5 minutes and followed by sitting meditation 60 minutes
5.20 PM instruction 5 minutes and then mindfulness walking meditation 15 minutes
5.40 PM liquid refreshment 20 minutes (no eating, only fruit juice, milks)
6.00 PM instruction 5 minutes and then meditation 60 minutes
7.00 PM Dhamma talks in English for duration of 50~60 minutes .
8.20 PM instruction 5 minutes and then meditation 60 minutes
9.30 PM instruction 5 minutes and then mindfulness walking meditation 20 minutes
10.00 PM rest or private meditation at your choice.

Dhamma Discourse:

Day 1: as per above
7.00 PM Dhamma Topic 1: Good Bye Happiness !

Day 2: as above
7.00 PM Dhamma Topic 2: Breath as I am alive.

Day 3: as above
7.00 PM Dhamma Topic 3: Observation Technique for Wandering Thoughts

Day 4 : Vipassana Instruction .
2.00 PM Vipassana meditation – instruction 5 minutes and practice 60 minutes
7.00 PM Dhamma Topic 4: Key factors of Samsara Rebirth Cycle. How to apply them in Vipassana meditation to understand the Rebirth Cycle.

Day 5: Full Application and development of mental awereness of in-depth Vipassana for sustainable energy of jhãna Wisdom.
2.00 PM Vipassana, development of mind stiffness, Full awareness and mind observation. Instruction 5 minutes and practice 60 minutes
7.00 PM: Dhamma Topic 5: Explanation of in-depth Vipassana techniques leading to liberation from rebirth cycle miseries.

Day 6: full day continue to practice Vipassana with an improving instructional system.
7.00 PM Dhamma Topic 6: Non-self and Self are both leading to uncountable miseries, Middle Way is the path of liberation, What does the Mid-Way approach really mean ?.

Day 7: Full application of Vipassana
2.00 PM Empowering Strong Determination Vipassana and Four Frames of Mindfulness Contemplation – instruction 10 minutes and practice 60 minutes
7.00 PM: Dhamma Topic 7: In search of Nirvana: Non-self and impermanence.

Day 8: Strong Determination Vipassana
2.00 PM Practice of Strong Determination of Vipassana in personal direct experience of permanance and impermenance.
7.00 PM Dhamma Topic 8: Five agregates and Miseries in the uncountable rebirth cycles during this life.

Day 9: Establishment and cultivation of Loving Kindness and Compassion through Meditation.
2.00 PM Practice of Vipassana in stiffness and Four Foundations of Boddhi-Citta.
7.00PM – 9.00 PM Special Dhamma topic 9: Living in Liberation Dying in Liberation: where to next ?.

Day 10: Practice the technique of Equanimity
2.00 PM Technique for Equanimity Development and application in Vipassana, instruction 10 minutes and pratice 60 minutes.
7.00 PM – 8.30 PM Dhamma Topic 10: Vipassana in every moment of Daily Life

Day 11: morning, Noble silence rule is relaxed.
8.00 AM – 10.00 AM breakfast and practice of Four Boddhi-citta, cleaning, washing , Farewell to Dhamma friends. Practising the Equanimity in daily life meditation.

Registration form
Given Name ………………………………..
Surname: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Buddhist name (if any): ……………………………………………………………………….
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Contact phone : …………………… Email: ……………………………………….
Experience in meditation: Yes [ ] No [ ]
If Yes, how many years ? how many hours daily practice ?
Health Problem: Yes [ ] No [ ]
If Yes, what are the problems ? ………………………………………………………………..
Any medication are you taking now ? …………………………………………
Dietary supplement : vegetarian, glutten free, sugar free……………..
Any special request: ………………………………………………………………….

I, in good mental and physical state, understand that the Vipassana Meditation Organizing Committee shall provide free-of-charge all facilities and instructions. I shall comply with all regulations and instructions specified by the Course Committee during the ten day course, and shall complete the full ten day course according to the specified schedule. I shall discharge all responsibilities for the Vipassana Course Committee.


